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The Yuggs are a species of enormous annelid which feature in the H.P. Lovecraft-inspired Cthulhu Mythos. Although their true nature remains a mystery, they are commonly believed to be extraterrestrial in origin.


Resembling nothing so much as a gigantic white flatworm, Yuggs have the ability to fire biological darts from their bodies into the flesh of other living beings in order to pass on their genetic material, although why they wish to do this is a mystery. Primarily subterranean in nature, Yuggs have been known to reward humans for lending assistance to their unfathomable plots, and offering the creatures sacrifices in blood.

Worshiping the Great Old Ones Zoth-Ommog and Ythogtha, the Yuggs spend much of their time in an effort to devise a plan to free their masters, who were imprisoned many aeons ago by the Elder Gods.


The product of an unholy union between a Yugg and a Deep One, Yuggya appear outwardly human in nature, although their mental processes are entirely alien. They do, however, possess a high degree of empathy towards others, and use this ability to manipulate the actions of sentient beings.

A group of Yuggya have been assigned by Great Cthulhu himself to protect his offspring Cthylla, a creature who is vital to his long-term scheme.

Notable Yugg[]

  • Ubb: Also known as the Father of Worms, Ubb is the leader of the Yuggs, and is simply a much larger specimen of the race.