Monster Wiki
It’s hero time!
- Ben Tennyson.

This article contains information regarding the monsters featured as part of Monster Wiki's Ben 10 project.

Yawk, whose full name is Yawkwawi, was a monster-of-the-week villain which appeared in the Ben 10 animated series episode Mayhem in Mascot.


Once an evil bear-creature possessed of an enormous degree of superhuman strength and a taste for human flesh, Yawk was long ago cursed to remain within the canyon in which the town of Mascot was built. This curse turned Yawk into a wooden statue by day, but allowed him a degree of mobility by night; however, the only way the hex could be broken was if Yawk managed to escape the canyon, a task made impossible by the fact that he was very slow and stiff while awoken, and that the other town statues also animated themselves at night to keep him imprisoned within town limits.


After Ben Tennyson and his cousin Gwen were foiled in their attempt to have their photo taken with every statue in town, they snuck out of the Rustbucket in the dead of night to snap a shot of themselves with Yawk. The creature came to life and told them that he had been kept prisoner in the town for decades and persuaded them to help him break free. When the pair attempted to escort Yawk from Mascot, the guardians came to life and made to stop them, but were beaten back by Ben in his Four Arms form.

Subsequently making it out of town and down the canyon with Gwen, Yawk slowly started to revert to his old form and revealed his true nature, telling the girl that he was going to have her as his breakfast. In the meantime, Ben had encountered one of the residents of Mascot who informed him of Yawk's true nature.

Managing to reach his cousin and the beast in time, Ben did battle with Yawk and was successful in keeping him within the confines of the canyon as the sun came up, casting his body down onto the hard ground and causing it to shatter. He then transported the broken remains of Yawk back to town and repaired them using the plant-matter manipulation capabilities of Wildvine, presumably restoring the curse and keeping Yawk confined within Mascot.
