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The Voormi (plural Voormis) are a species of savage humanoids which feature in the H.P. Lovecraft-inspired Cthulhu Mythos.


Shaggy red-furred creatures which bear a similarity to the Himalayan Yeti, the Voormi possess only three toes on each foot, and are known to communicate via a series of dog-like howls and yelps. They are a bloodthirsty race, and consider themselves the direct descendants of the Great Old One Tsathoggua, whom they worship as a god.


Initially inhabiting the vanished continent of Hyperborea, which is now the island of Greenland, the Voormi established an advanced civilisation there, throwing up great cities across the land. However, a protracted war against their ancestral enemies the Gnophkeh caused their numbers to dwindle to the point where they became hunted almost to extinction by the human settlers who eventually colonised that ancient land. This caused them to retreat to their cavernous habitats beneath the great volcano Voormithadreth, where they still survive, living a subterranean existence in imitation of their master Tsathoggua.

Notable Voormi[]

  • Voorm: the progenitor of the Voormi species from whom they take their name.