Trigon is an all-powerful, extra-dimensional demon and one of the most powerful villains in all of DC Comics. Reigning over a hellish dimension, he is a sadistic and brutal being who seeks to conquer and absorb other worlds. He has been an enemy of both the Justice League and the Teen Titans, his own daughter Raven, in particular.
Trigon was brought into existence when a woman from the realm of Azarath mated with her mystic sect's patron deity. Formed from the negative energies cast off by Azarath's inhabitants, Trigon killed everyone around him upon his birth, including his mother.
Within a few decades, Trigon had conquered and destroyed countless worlds, merging them with the hellscape dimension he ruled over. During Earth's modern era, he was summoned by the Church of Blood, who intended to destroy him. Appearing as a handsome human male, Trigon took Arella, one of the cult members, as his bride and mated with her. During their coupling, Trigon reverted to his true demonic form. He sent Arella back to Earth, who was now carrying his progeny.
Arella, contemplating suicide, was rescued by an extra-dimensional cult and taken to Azarath. There, she would give birth to Trigon's daughter Raven, raising her to control her emotions in order to suppress the demonic powers inherited from her father. When Trigon learned of Raven's birth, he allowed her to grow up under her mother's care. As Raven grew, so too did her power, and Trigon would eventually establish a connection with her. Trigon intended to use Raven as his means of gaining access to Earth, which he had targeted for conquest. However, Raven would go on to form the Teen Titans with fellow young superheroes, who would thwart Trigon's attempts to invade Earth. Although the Titans prevented Trigon from wreaking havoc on their world, Raven remained connected to him via a psychic link, allowing Trigon to periodically torment her.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Superhuman Abilities - Trigon possesses strength, speed, reflexes, stamina and endurance far beyond that of ordinary humans.
- Invulnerability - Trigon cannot be harmed by any regular weapon, and even most super-powers are ineffective against him.
- Immortality - Trigon does not age in the same way that mortal beings do and cannot die by natural means.
- Psionics - Trigon possesses telekinetic powers as well as both empathic and telepathic abilities, able to manipulate the thoughts and emotions of others.
- Pyrokinesis - Trigon can conjure and control fire.
- Chronokinesis - Trigon is able to travel through time and slow or accelerate its flow.
- Teleportation - Trigon can open wormholes to other worlds.
- Shapeshifting - Trigon is able to take on human form and, presumably, any creature or object.
- Power Bestowal - Trigon can grant superpowers to other beings. One such example is when he granted the villain Psimon his psychic powers.
- Reality Warping - Trigon is able to reshape the world around him according to his will. During his attempted conquest of Earth, he transformed most of the planet into a nightmarish landscape akin to mankind's classic perception of Hell.