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Lord Tirek standing over Star Swirl S9E24

Tirek is an evil centaur who acts as a major antagonist in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series.


He appears as an unseen antagonist from Seasons 1 through 3, the main antagonist of Season 4, a minor antagonist in Season 5, the overarching antagonist of Season 8, and one of the three main antagonists along with Chrysalis and Cozy Glow of Season 9.


Scorpan tries to convince Tirek S4E25

Tirek and his brother Scorpan

Many years ago, Tirek and his gargoyle brother Scorpan were terrorizing Equestria with the ambition to steal the magic from the ponies, however one day Scorpan told Tirek that he had befriended the ponies and that he should accept their friendship more than he was. He refused to do it and listen to him since the ponies were inferior to the rest of the creatures so Scorpan came to his rescue telling the princesses about the threat, so Tirek was imprisoned in Tartarus and Scorpan went to his homeland never to return never.

The years passed and after the events of "It's About Time" after Cerberus left, Tirek managed to escape and began to steal magic to increase his power and strength, so Tirek became stronger every time he consumed magic. of the ponies, one day while in the dark streets of Equestria he came across Discord, a previously reformed draconeequs and captures him under the orders of the princesses.

However, unfortunately for Discord, Tirek appreciated Discord's talent since it would be useful to him to steal the equestrian magic with his help, he psychologically manipulated him to steal the magic of the ponies something that Discord accepts without question, shortly after Discord used his magic to stop several ponies and Tirek absorbs their magic to become more powerful.

Later the princesses tell Twilight about what happened and she decides to lend them her magic to be able to defeat him, Twilight rushed and moved just when Tirek broke into her palace and stole their magic and banished both of them to Tartarus, once his mission was done. Tirek saw a stained glass window where she represented Twilight Sparkle and asks Discord where she was, to which he replies that she is in a castle so Tirek went looking for her but not before stealing the magic from Twilight's friends and from betraying Discord while absorbing his magic due to being revealed to be friends with the girls.

Tirek found Twilight in a field where she was hiding and tries to attack her but Twilight manages to escape with her magic and reach her home, but Tirek tries to attack her but destroys her home not by killing her but by accident, in his fury Twiligt confronts him In a battle of epic proportions where he almost defeats him but Tirek concluded everything he did and taught Twilight to her friends, Spike and Discord trapped in bubbles, Tirek suggests that she give up her magic in exchange for freeing them Twilight accepts and frees her friends giving their magic to Tirek who becomes powerful, in the end the Mane Six use the Rainbow Power to weaken Tirek and take him to Tartarus once more.

In season five, while absent, Tirek was mentioned by Rainbow Dash.

In another episode he was mentioned by a pony filly about the bad cause of the schoolyard in a bad state

Tirek makes a surprise appearance in the last episode as one of the alternate lines that was the work of Starlight Glimmer.

In the last episode of the seventh season Tirek was mentioned by Pinkie Pie as one of the villains that the Mane Six defeated to save Equestria.

Tirek appears in the final two-part episode "School Daze" where the Mane Six visit him to inform him about magic in Equestria, although at first he refused to tell them that an evil psychopathic filly pony named Cozy Glow was the one. Responsible behind it all that's why he left the Mane Six trapped so they wouldn't escape, Tirek almost laughs at Pinkie's antics but helps Twilight and her friends reluctantly escape, at the end when Cozy is arrested to the Tatar for his crimes Tirek was surprised by her asking if they wanted to be friends.

During the events of the ninth season Tirek allied himself with Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow at the hands of Grogar, the father of all monsters and conspired with them to kill Twilight and her friends, however one of them King Sombra refuses. to do work with them because he wanted to rule the crystal empire by himself, Grogar sent him there and Sombra never returned with them, Grogar told the other villains to work for him from now on.

One day Grogar told them to bring his bell which was on Mount Everhoof, something impossible for them as they both had difficulties to exceed their goals, meanwhile Tirek had built a back room in the forest to relax and continue, he and Cozy Glow are Attacked by an Ophiotaurus until Chrysalis arrived and freed them from the beast, both had a great time until the next day he and the other villains began to work as a team to recover Grogar's bell, after getting it they decided to make a change of plans since instead of giving it to him they hide it for the end and they wanted enough power to betray him.

Later during the last celebration of the summer sun Tirek and his villainous friends decide to steal a book of files to find out how to activate the bell and when they steal it they read that the bell works only for ponies that comment on bad criteria and they did so by activating the bell. and they became more powerful than before, when Grogar returned he found them he saw that they had the cowbell all the time, soon all the villains betrayed him by stealing his magic but it was revealed that he was nothing more and nothing less than an impostor, and that was Discord disguised, but still the villains had to go on their way and defeat all their arch enemies and cause chaos, it was already the final battle and they all parted ways to search for their victims, Cozy Glow went to Canterlot and defeats the princesses, Chrysalis defeat Starlight and Tirek to the pillars of magic, once everything is ready, the villains gathered to kill the heroes at once and took prisoners having won the battle, but that n Or it would last long since the Windigos returned and began to cause terror once more but they were not determined to allow that, the only thing that mattered to them were the Mane Six and Spike whom they saw from the top of Canterlot, both faced them without rest until very soon an orde of ponies and various creatures come to face them all at the end Tirek was defeated with the other villains and turned to stone by his actions for life.

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