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The Thing

The Thing is a shapeshifting extraterrestrial creature and the main antagonist of a series of three different films of the same name, inspired by the short novel WHO GOES THER? / WHO GOES THERE It would be an experiment created by beings of Mars (as seen in the 1951 film), but it came out of control and began to devour each being and transform into it to continue its cycle. No weapon can kill it, the only thing is the fire and high temperatures vulnerable.

The Thing of the Other World (1951) []


in the original 1951 film, directed by Howard Hanks, account as after Norwegian and Australian scientists are isolated in Antarctica, discover the remains of a ship Despite which, it is possible to rescue a frozen specimen. The researchers decide to thaw the body to study it ... Grave error This comes to life, starting to murder scientists!

A new finding (The Thing 2011) []

In 1980, an extraterrestrial ship is discovered burned on Antarctic ice by a Norwegian research team: Edvard, Jonas, Olav, Karl, Juliette, Lars They travel to the Norway's Thule Base in a Sikorsky SH-3 helicopter became King by Carter, Derek and Griggs. After seeing the spacecraft, Kate, Sander and Adam are informed that the group has also discovered an alien entity of an impact, buried in the ice. Alien is transported to the Norwegian base in an ice block. Sander orders the recovery of a fabric sample from the creature, ignoring Kate's warnings. That night, while the team celebrates its search, Derek observes the resurrection of alien and its escape from the facilities. The alerted team looks for the creature and discovers that he killed the dog from Lars. Olav and Henrik find alien, who kills Henrik. The rest of the group arrives and set fire to the creature. Later, an autopsy of the corpse, reveals that his cells remain alive, and consume and imitate Henrik's body. Derek film, Carter, Griggs and Olav Prepare the Sea King to seek help. Just before starting Kate discovers blood-covered metallic dresses near the lavatory, and runs out and give landing signs to helicopter pilots. When they try to land, Griggs becomes the thing to attack Olav, and the vehicle impacts in the mountains. When Kate returns to the shower, she finds that the blood was removed. The base team leave and try to seek help, but Kate faces them with their theory that the thing is capable of imitating them and probably. The team ignores its clarifications, but Juliette says he saw Colin come out of the bathroom. Juliette leads Kate to the place where the keys is saved to prevent propagations. While Kate looks, Juliette becomes the thing and attacks Kate. She escapes, passing by Karl, who is consumed by the creature. Lars arrives with a flamethrower and burns the thing.

" Who is there?" []

Carter and Derek return to the base, but the team do not believe that they could have survived the accident. Kate keeps Carter and Derek quarantined up to an exam to check if they are human. Adam and Sander develop an exam, but the laboratory is destroyed in an apparent act of sabotage when both men leave the place at the time. Kate proposes to do another test; Believing that the thing can not imitate inorganic material, it inspects the equipment and selects them in a group that does not contain false teeth: Sander, Edvard, Adam and Colin. Lars and Jonas are going to bring back Carter and Derek, and discover that both escaped from quarantine. When Lars enters a place in search of the duo, he is pulled and taken inside. Jonas returns where Kate and Peder, asking for help. Peder takes the aim, but Derek now has a weapon and shoots him to burn him, killing peder and damaging the flamethrower gas tank. Fuel inflames causing an explosion that leaves EDVARD unconscious. While he is taken to cure him, Edvard becomes the thing, infecting Jonas and killing Derek before mixing with Adam. Kate burns to the infected Jonas and Derek before she and Carter pursue the thing. While the couple are looking, Sander is found and infected by the thing. After the pair is separated, the thing corglass to Carter in the kitchen, but Kate arrives and it burns it before he can attack him. Kate and Carter sees Sander take a vehicle in the middle of the blizzard and pursue him in the remaining Snowcat . They arrive at the Special Nave now active. Kate falls on the ship and is separated from Carter. Faced with the thing, Kate destroys him with an explosive pomegranate and the chain reaction deactivates the ship. When Kate and Carter return to the vehicle, Kate realizes that Carter is one thing when he does not carry his earring and indicates the wrong ear where he takes it. Kate burns Carter and retires to a Snowcat. Finally, she contemplates expressionless out from the window. The next morning, the Matias pilot reaches the base in a helicopter. Colin is shown to have committed suicide at the radio station. Lars appears and orders Matias at a gunpoint that shows him his fillings to test if he is human. The thing, in the shape of the dead dog of Lars, escapes from a building and runs while Lars and Matias begin to persecute him in the helicopter.

"They are in grave danger" ( John Carpenther's The Thing 1982) []

The members of an American research station in Antarctica are alerted by sounds of shots and explosions. When examining what is happening, they discover that a dog of Race Alaskan Malamute is being persecuted by a group of Norwegians who try to kill him. In the midst of confusion and the inability to communicate in another language, a confrontation and Norwegians are produced at the hands of Americans. During the skirmish, one of the Americans, Bennings, is injured. After the incident, the dog is taken to the station, being locked with the other dogs. Americans try to communicate the radio incident, but the device does not work. Because of this the pilot R. J. Macready and Dr. Copper decide to go in helicopter to the Norwegian station to find some response. When you arrive discover that the station is in ruins, without signs of life. While Copper collects video tapes and documents, Macready discovers a large block of ice with a cavity in the center. Outside the camp they find the calcined corpse of a humanoid creature with two faces. Americans carry the body to their camp, where Dr. Blair; Perform an autopsy. However, the only thing he discovers is that the organs of the creature are those of a normal human being.

" That thing had to kill them all as we got"[]

Meanwhile, the dog that was persecuted by Norwegians suffers a metamorphosis that transforms it into a deform creature, attacking the other dogs of the station. The barking of the animals alert the Americans, who come to the place There, Childs kills the creature with a flamethrower. After doing an autopsy at the corpse, Blair discovers that the creature was an extraterrestrial being that had the ability to imitate other forms of life. After this, the members of the station begin to suspect among them, not being sure of who is human or not. Using the Norwegian team, Macready, Norris and Palmer discover a crater in which there is a spacecraft. Based on the ice layers surrounding the ship, Norris estimates that is at least 100,000 years old. Americans realize that if the creature reaches the outside world, it could devour all the life that exists on Earth in a few hours, and the battle is transformed into a mission for both its survival and by the whole human race.

Physical appearance[]

In the 1951 film, it has an orange humanoid form with strange extremities and thorns in some parts of your body and uses a navy blue spatial uniform but it is shown between half and the end of the film. The Thing (1982) itself does not have a clear way, and adopt any way of life The best known is when it absorbed Dr. Blair in the 1982 film where it is shown as a monster with body parts of all the forms that absorbed. It is believed that the true form of the thing is to that of an Arachnoid being, since in the pre-season of the year 2011, in the process of defrosting the entity it is shown that its form is an invertebrate, and in some of its transformations (both the pre-premium and In the beginning of the film John Carpenter's The Thing (1982), It is appreciated as a flying saucer, goes uncontrollably in the outer space and tries forcibly in the Antarctic area, this is related to the fact when Kate (in For that deduction, it is thought that the shape of the thing is completely unknown, because it could absorb and opt for the shape of the inhabitants of the planet from where it came.


  • The film by John Carpenter is considered one of the most faithful films in movies adapted in novels.
  • John Carpenter affirmed that before reading the book WHO GOES There?) He said he wanted to make a science fiction film based on the true event
  • The novel Who Goes There? By John W. Campbell inspired literary and filmmakers to create worship characters that we know today: among them is Pennywise of the novel