Theia, also referred to as Thea or Thia, was one of the Titans of Greek mythology, a group of celestial giants of enormous power who were eventually overthrown by their descendants, the Olympian gods.
Variously described as the goddess of shining, glittering and cosmic glory, Theia is most notable in legend for fathering Helios, Selene and Eos (the sun, moon and dawn respectively) to her brother Titan and husband Hyperion.
Like the other first-generation Titans, Theia was born to Uranus and Gaia. After Uranus was cast down by Cronus, and Cronus' subsequently devolved into tyranny, Theia fought alongside her husband and other siblings in the war for the universe known as the Titanomachy. After the Titans met their defeat at the hands of the Olympian pantheon and their allies, Zeus had Theia and the others imprisoned in the Pit of Tartarus.