Stitch is one of the two titular characters of Disney's Lilo & Stitch. He is an experimental, genetically-engineered alien creature created by Dr. Jumba Jookiba.

Stitch bares some similarity to an Earth dog, though of what breed, none can quite be certain. He has blue fur, a rounded head with a wide mouth, a pair of antennae on his head and six limbs. His paws are ambidextrous and can be used as hands or feet. Stitch also sports a number of spines on his back, similar to those of a porcupine. His spines, antennae and the middle set of limbs can be retracted into his body, allowing him to pass for a somewhat abnormal dog.
- Superhuman Strength - As described by Jumba, Stitch is capable of lifting over three thousand times his size in weight.
- Invulnerability - Each of Jumba's experiments is designed to be close to impossible to destroy. Whilst a method may exist, it is unknown to all except Jumba, their creator. Whilst the extent of this invulnerability is unknown, Jumba has stated in the past that Stitch is both bulletproof and fireproof, and he is shown to be able to shrug off electricity, though not as easily as the former examples. He also, like Jumba's other experiments, is capable of surviving within the vacuum of space, suggesting little to no need for oxygen or some way of producing his own supply within his body.
- Superior Intellect - Despite his seemingly rudimentary intelligence, Stitch is well beyond the norm for what we would consider a genius. Possessing an eidetic memory, internal dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia and catalog of all Jumba's other experiments, he has also been described as being able to "think faster than a super-computer," a feat that, whilst hard to quantify, is demonstrated multiple times throughout his multiple appearances.
- Electromagnetic Vision - Stitch is capable of seeing well beyond the normal human spectrum, being capable of night, infrared and x-ray vision, on top of what we would consider "normal" vision.
- Venomous Spines - Whilst never directly shown in any related media, anatomy drawings of Stitch appearing in the original Lilo & Stitch film shows that the spines on his back are poisonous, being connected to venom sacs located within his spinal cord.
At the beginning of the film, Stitch is brought to trial with Jumba by the councilor and her ministers, among them is Captain Gantu the captain of the galactic federation, during the trial Jumba explains that Stitch is made to destroy everything in his path with his brutal force