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The Smurfs are small blue humanoid creatures that living in a small mushroom shaped-town houses hidden in a forest, the exact location of which is almost unknown to the Smurfs and the Mother Nature. According to the 2011 and 2013 pitchous films, the Smurfs are native to the European country of Belgium and were originally known by their French name Schtroumpfs.

Physical appearance[]

Blue skin. They usually do not measure more than "a tall apple" (in human measure, probably about 3 inches or 7.62 centimeters) and have the body with pear shape and oval head. Of ears and big eyes and small nose. His legs are elastic and agile, allowing them to jump to high places such as rocks and tree branches quite easily. At the end of his back they have a small tail of the same size as his nose. They have four fingers in each hand and on each foot.

Smurfs are asexual, do not reproduce physically. Every time there is full moon or blue moon, a stork brings a smurf to the world from an unknown place and deposits it in the village Smurf. Others are product of magic or experiments. In the village wetuafa are very few women. Recently, one Lost Village of Female smurfs. were discovered. Male smurf in your youth lacks hair. It begins to sprout the facial hair (beard and / or mustache) at some point in around its 400 years, as mentioned by Papa Smurf in "Symbols of Wisdom".

The "non-canonical" brave, it can be the only exception to this rule, as it has pins despite being the same age range as most. Due to the lack of hair of the head, the male smurfs use hats (or cold hat) on their heads. Male Smurfs only wear pants, although a few Smurfs wear clothes on the torso, without any reason specifies more than a matter of function and / or comfort for them. In a cold weather the Smurfs use anything more than gloves and a scarf (in addition to their hat and pants). It seems that the Smurfs easily support climate changes. The Smurfs tend to age more slowly than humans. Upon reaching 100 years of age is considered adults, with relative mental maturity similar to that of human beings among adolescence and twenty years, although some representations of young smurfs tend to behave more as pre-adolescents. It is rare for a smurf to reach 1000 years of age, such as Grandpa Smurf has done so. This is possibly due to the effects of long-lived stone, which has kept the Smurfs away from accelerated aging and its possible destruction.

Although it is suggested that the Smurfs tend to be vegetarians, rarely see them eat some meat products, such as the muscular smurf and their hot dog in "The Smurf King". The few plants that are essential for your diet are the sassarilla leaves and the smurfresses. The Smurfs are very sought after by the alchemists, since they are a vital ingredient of the formula to convert metals into gold. In "The Smurf Miracle" it is said that his blue skin cures all human diseases. In "The Pitufos Movie" of 2011, Gargamel prepares a formula made with a part of the essence of Smurfin (mostly hair) that has magical properties, including restoration of youth.

Structure of the Society and Culture[]

It works like a leader of the village and a paternal figure, directing them in their daily tasks and serves as a mediator in disputes, using their skills, wisdom, intelligence and power with benevolence. Each Smurf is given a name that is generally based on a talent, occupation, or a dominant personality trait exhibited by that smurf, the name can define the special paper of the smurf in your society, although sometimes a smurf may try to expand your Range of talents and skills or to overcome certain traits that can be referenced. (In Comic book books, the smurfs without a name are simply called Smurf.) Sometimes, a foreman will be selected among young smurfs to direct the other smurfs in their tasks, such as strong. It is not known why Papa Smurf is the only smurf who uses red clothes while most of the smurfs, others wear white; I could suggest your leader status. On the other hand, the yellow that carries the pitfall grandfather, can indicate that the different generations of the Smurfs use different colors.

The community of the Smurfs takes the general form of a cooperative exchange, and the type-based environment based on the principle that each smurf has something that he or she is good, and contribute to society as much as sheepo he or she can. In return, each smurf seems to be due to their needs of life, from housing to food and clothing. The Smurfs have no use for money, although sometimes it can be negotiated something valuable to foreigners in order to get something they need, as a shared has done in "wild and shaggy". An attempt to introduce a capitalist monetary system on behalf of the comics "of society in Pitufo" The Smurf Finance "has led to the Smurfs by turning against it completely. In any of the media, this is usually interpreted by some Readers and / or spectators like the Smurfs promote communism, despite their society is more than a very united family of a nation of individuals.

The Smurf community currently from their adventures consists of a little over 100 smurfs, which includes Papa Smurf, Smurfette, 95 times 150-year-old Smurfs, Baby Smurf, Child of three Smurfites Young 50-year-old, Sassette, Baby Smurf and nanny. Some additional residents of his people are pets such as puppy, the 1,000-year-old dog, who had given Homnibus Assistant of the Smurfs, Smoogle, An animal type marsupial that has been a Nanny's partner, and plumifer is a petticoan crane of the Smurfs and a mode of transport, the Smurfs communicate In a language they call Smurf, which basically consists of a variation of human language, where the word" smurf "or" toputar "is used to replace a substantive, adjective verb, or adverb The language is quite intuitive since the Smurfs can only understand what everyone is really saying in Smurf. Smurfs celebrate birthdays and holidays, including some who are more indigenous to the Smurf community in general. They also enjoy various recreational activities, as well as the arts and music, including their local Smurfball sport. The Smurfs usually sing the song every time they are somewhat happy doing (or happy). The Smurfs tend to be in their belief system based on nature (although some do it to maintain the concept of a "sky" and a "light", as shown in "the celestial smurfs"), and have certain rituals that involve Elements of nature.
