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Skinks are a breed of Lizardman which appear in Games Workshop’s Warhammer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar settings.


Small, fast humanoid amphibious creatures with long tails and prominent headcrests, Skinks are the backbone upon which Lizardman society is built. Extremely agile and highly intelligent, they are unusual amongst the many different types of Lizardmen in that they are capable of mastering the winds of magic which blow across the Warhammer world.

They are excellent communicators, and often use not only vocalisations but also body language and subtle changes in the colouration of their crests to convey their wishes or needs to others of their species.

In Lizardman Society[]

Skinks are the most common type of Lizardman, and the ones which hold their entire culture together. Functioning as scribes, artisans, construction workers, archivists, and translators, to name but a few of their talents, they ensure that the day-to-day running of the Temple-Cities runs smoothly, and that the needs and wishes of their masters, the ancient Slann, are met.

Skinks are also commonly found as the border patrols and scouts of their race, their speed and natural affinity with the swamplands which they call home making them perfectly suited to these roles.


In Battle[]

When Skinks take to the field, they tend to arm themselves with javelins or blowpipes, their small size and somewhat skittish nature making them generally unsuited for melee combat. However, they like to coat these weapons with poisons taken from the many venomous creatures which inhabit their swampy homeland, making them far more deadly than their appearance would suggest.

In addition, Skinks will naturally swarm around the giant Kroxigor during battle; this mutually-beneficial combination gives the Skinks some hard-hitting muscle for when enemies get up close, and allows them to soften up opponents prior to the Kroxigor’s powerful attacks.


Chameleon Skinks[]

A relatively rare spawning of Skink, Chameleon Skinks are possessed of oversized eyes and a unique ability to change their skin tone to blend in with the surrounding environment. These creatures are generally employed as scouts, ambushers and picket troops, where their natural camouflage makes them extremely difficult to track down. Indeed, many an enemy has been destroyed before encountering the bulk of Lizardman forces by a hail of poisoned missiles which seemed to come out of nowhere.
