Monster Wiki

Rusty Alyce is an Outcast character who features in Wyrd Games’ Malifaux universe.


A headstrong young woman with stern good looks, Alyce is apprentice to Outcast Master Leveticus, and has been subject to her mentor’s experimentations in the form of a clockwork left arm very similar to his own. Together the pair run Captivating Salvage and Logistics, a outwardly respectable business with a sideline in prohibited magical goods.

Alyce is never to be seen without her Clockwork Seeker, a unique pistol which can be imbued with soulstone magic to make it incredibly accurate with a truly deadly punch.

Like her master, Alyce has learned the power of fusing metal with flesh, and thus is also capable of creating the grotesque Steampunk Abominations to aid her, although unlike Leveticus, she has not come far enough in the necromantic arts to resurrect herself from the dead through the Hollow Waifs.

Certain individuals have noticed that Alyce has a tendency to talk to her mechanical arm when she thinks that nobody is looking. These commentators remark that she appears to be having actual conversations with the limb, but whether it is sentient or Alyce is simply delusional remains unknown.
