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In classical greek mythology Pallas was one of the second generation of Titans, a type of godlike giant who had ruled the cosmos since before recorded history. They were eventually laid low by the combined might of the olympian gods and their allies.


The titan god of the art of warfare and son of the first generation the titan Crius and the titanide Eurybia, little is known of Pallas other than that he fathered many children, amongst them the olympian goddess of victory Nike, the olympian god of fervor Zelus, the olympian god of power Cratus and the olympian goddess of violence Bia.

When Zeus waged war upon his father Cronus in the ten-year battle for control of the universe known as the Titanomachy, Pallas sided with Cronus. When the Olympian gods eventually emerged victorious, Pallas was subsequently imprisoned along with the other Titans in the Abyss of Tartarus, where he presumably remains to this day.
