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The Necris are a humanoid alien race appearing throughout the Unreal series of video games. Working for the Phayder Corporation, the Necris are humanoids with an uncanny resemblence to Earth's native race. It would be later revealed, in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict that the Necris were reanimated corpses, created using a black fluid composed of nanites that the Phayder Corporation named Nanoblack.


It is unknown when the Necris first became known to the galaxy at large, as the race were mostly isolated from humanity. The earliest known appearance of the Necris was during the 2293 Tournament, when a team calling themselves and composed of members of the Black Legion, joined the Tournament. Despite how little is known about the Necris themselves at this stage, it is known that they work for a secret society known as Phayder (later revealed to be the Phayder Corporation), who has declared guerilla war on Earth, with most members of the Black Legion team having served in military operations against NEG military forces and human civilians. They would appear a second time, during the 2302 Tournament, though not as a team, with members Kragoth and Thannis joining the tournament as independents for reasons unknown.

During the events of The Liandri Conflict, it is revealed that the Necris are created by introducing corpses to nanobots known as Nanoblack, in what is known as the Necris Process. The Liandri Mining Corporation would get their hands on this technology, using it to revive Tournament favourites, including Brock (killed outside the Tournament by Gorge) and Lauren (commited suicide following Brock's death) of the Iron Guard. They would also offer to revive Selket, the runner-up in the Tournament and lover of Tournament winner and new Nakhti Emperor Anubis, in this way, should Anubis continue to fight in the Tournament. Anubis would accept this offer, placing his love for Selket above his position as Emperor, and she would take her place as Empress of the Nakhti.

The Necris would, under the command of High Inquisitor Akasha, declare open war on Earth during the events of Unreal Tournament 3. Despite this, they wouldn't lead the attack straight away, instead letting the mercenary Krall deal with the human defenders of the unknown planet the game takes place on. This opening strike would lead many to believe the Skaarj has returned for a second war with humanity, though after the Krall were forced back by the Ronin, working alongside the Izanagi Corporation's Ghost Warriors, the Necris would invade in force. This invasion would be a failure, and the NEG would refuse to pursue the Necris back to their homeworld of Omicron 6, though these orders would be ignored by the Ronin. In an assault on her palace, the Ronin's leader, Reaper, would execute Akasha, though his team would be captured and killed. Reaper was also captured, though his final fate remains unknown.
