Mrs. Sturmfuller was a villainess in Stephen King's Silver Bullet. She was one of many people who were out looking for whatever killed Brady Kincaid, unaware that it was a werewolf. Mrs. Sturmfuller (along with her husband, Milt, and the rest of the search party) was brutally killed by the werewolf.
Later in the film, Mrs. Sturmfuller turned heel when she appeared in Reverend Lester Lowe's nightmare, along with the rest of the victims, at a funeral service performed by Lowe. Mrs. Sturmfuller displayed her villainous persona during the eulogy; snarling and glaring evilly at Lowe. Later on, the evil Mrs. Sturmfuller turned into a werewolf, as did the rest of the attending members, and went after Lowe, who wakes up from his nightmare.