Monster Wiki

Mr Mortman is a Character in Goosebumps.


Mr. Mortman is the local librarian. He is a bit weirded out by Lucy's monster interest. One evening, Lucy realizes she forgot her roller blades at the library and goes to get them. However, she sees that Mr. Mortman turns into a hideous monster whenever he is about to feed. Seeing this, she leaves for her life. She soon tells her family but they don't believe what she says. One week later, Mr. Mortman returns her book bag. Soon she returns to take a picture, but the flash is on. Soon the monster chases her but she escapes. She soon is devastated when he doesn't show up on film. Soon she sees him eat some of his aquarium pets. When her parents refuse to let her quit the program, Lucy is forced to face Mr. Mortman. Soon he chases Lucy but she uses cards as a diversion. Soon her friend Aaron tells her he saw Mr. Mortman is a monster and they plan to defeat him. Soon much to her horror, her parents invite Mr. Mortman for dinner. When he arrives and asks what they will be having, her parents say that he is the main course, much to his shock and horror. Turns out, her parents knew he was a monster and they eat other monsters as they don't want to be chased out of town.
