Khaji Da, also known as the Scarab, is an alien technology created by the Reach and for being the armor of the superhero Blue Beetle.
His first appearance was in Blue Beetle (Volume 3) #1. (1984)
The first appearance of the original Blue Beetle, Dan Garrett, was in Mystery Men Comics #1 (August 1939) from Fox Comics, created by Charles Nicholas Wojtkowski (as Charles Nicholas). He was a rookie police officer who wore special equipment. like a bulletproof vest, who took a "vitamin" that gave him super strength, and who had the help of a pharmacist neighbor to fight crime. The character began in a series of comics, newspaper strips and radio serials but, like many other Golden Age superheroes, fell into obscurity in the 1950s. The comic series had a rare succession of anomalies in its publication: 19 issues, from #12 to #30, were published under the Holyoke Publishing imprint; there was no number #43; the frequency of its publication constantly varied, etc.
In the mid-1950s, Fox Comics went out of business and sold the rights to Blue Beetle to Charlton Comics. That company published a few sporadic issues of the character's Golden Age adventures before launching Blue Beetle in 1967. In the new revision of his origin, Garrett is an archaeologist who finds a magical artifact in Egypt, shaped like a beetle, which grants him powers to fight crime. Charlton tried three times to use the character so that he would have his own collection. Two of the attempts maintained the numbering of the previous title. These were also replaced by other new titles that carried the numbering.
The new series had a short life and, in 1967, Charlton introduced Ted Kord, a student of Dan Garrett who took over his predecessor's role upon his death. Kord was a hero inventor, who used a wide variety of gadgets. When Charlton's entire line of superheroes was closed, his rights were sold to DC Comics in 1983, and he has since appeared in their comics and participated in various supergroups, including the Justice League.
In 2006, DC introduces a new Blue Beetle, teenager Jaime Reyes, whose powers derive from Dan Garrett's beetle, which turns out to be a piece of advanced alien technology.