Monster Wiki
TEW invisible

The Invisible Haunted is a variant of the Haunted from The Evil Within. As the name indicates, they are invisible and cannot be seen by the player. Encountered in Chapter 4, these creatures will stalk Sebastian Castellanos as he struggles to confront them.


The Invisible Haunted behave much like the regular Haunted, though due to their invisibility they are much more stealthy. While the creatures themselves cannot be seen, it is still possible to detect them by paying close attention to the environment. If an Invisible Haunted steps in a puddle of water, the player can detect them by watching for ripples and splashes in the water. If lantern light is shone in the creature's direction, it will create a ripple effect, indicating the Haunted's presence. When an Invisible Haunted is wounded, it will temporarily become visible. It can be distinguished from standard Haunted by the bizarre tendrils extending from its face.
