Monster Wiki
The Excremental

The Golgothan was a demon featured in Kevin Smith's 1999 movie Dogma.


The Golgothan - also referred to as a "Shit Demon" and an "Excremental" - is a vile creature composed of human excrement. It was brought into existence from the pain and misery of the people of Golgotha who were put to death by crucifixion and given form by the waste excreted by the victims upon death. Its stench is unbearable and can diminish a person's will to fight, causing most to flee from it. Anyone who can fight a Golgothan is either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid (or simply has no sense of smell).

In the movie, the demon Azrael summoned the Golgothan to find and kill the Last Scion, Bethany Sloane. The monster attacked and killed a number of gangbangers, before it fell victim to an air freshener-wielding Silent Bob.
