Monster Wiki
It’s hero time!
- Ben Tennyson.

This article contains information regarding the monsters featured as part of Monster Wiki's Ben 10 project.

Gil was one of Dr. Animo's mutants from the Ben 10 episode Forgeti.


Created using one of Dr. Animo's serums, Gil appeared to have originally been a fish of some kind. It was a large creature which stood on two legs, had grown a pair of arms, and sported a large red sail-like fin on its back. It also possessed superhuman strength, a set of large tusks which gave it a pronounced underbite, and had been outfitted with a laser blaster on one shoulder.


When Team Tennyson stumbled across Animo's scheme to turn the rare animals of the forest into his mutant minions, the mad scientist set Gil loose on them. It quickly overcame Ben in his Diamondhead form, allowing Animo to make off with Grandpa Max, whom he intended to transform into one of his creations.

Confronting Animo in his cave lair, Ben was able to defeat Gil as Grey Matter, but was subsequently forced to surrender when the Doctor captured Gwen. However, the intervention of the Forgeti put an end to his plot, and by the end of the episode both Gil and his master were trussed up ready for the authorities with no memory of what had happened.
