Demi Devimon (also called Pico Devimon) is a Child-level Virus Digimon. This Digimon has a bat-like appearance, with two large wings extending from its cowl and two smaller wings from its lower back. It has a pair of yellow eyes, red claws on its feet, and always has a mischievous smirk on its face.
As a Small Devil Digimon, Demi Devimon is often found in the service of other demonic Digimon such as Devimon and Myotismon. It is said that Demi Devimon was the one who first tempted Devimon, formerly an Angel-type Digimon, towards evil. While not physically powerful, Demi Devimon is wiley and cunning, using lies and trickery to take advantage of others.
- Demi Dart - Demi Devimon carries a large syringe which it uses to drain blood from enemies or inject them with toxins.
- Bat Flutter - Demi Devimon beats the opponent with its wings.
- DemiDevi Claw - Demi Devimon scratches at its foe with its claws.
- Evil Whisper - Demi Devimon hypnotizes victims into a trance.
- Angemon
- Any Adult Dark Digimon
- Any Purple Adult Digimon
- Any Armor Digimon
- Bakemon (with Kuramon and Dracumon)
- Black Growmon
- Black Tailmon
- Boogiemon
- Chrysalimon
- Coelamon
- Dark Tyranomon
- Death-X-DORUgamon
- Deltamon
- Devidramon (with or without Agumon (Black))
- Devimon (with or without Impmon)
- Ice Devimon
- Dinohumon
- Dokugumon
- Evilmon
- Garurumon
- Geremon
- Greymon
- Hagurumon (with Skull Knightmon)
- Kabuterimon
- Kyubimon
- Lekismon
- Lighdramon
- Meicoomon
- Meramon
- Musyamon
- Nanimon
- Numemon
- Owlmon
- Pegasusmon
- Porcupamon
- Raremon
- Rinkmon
- Saberdramon
- Scumon
- Shellmon
- Sorcerimon
- Soulmon
- Stingmon
- Togemon
- Wizardmon
- Flame Wizardmon
- XV-mon