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Davy Jones is the main antagonist of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. He was a sea demon known as the "Lord of the Seven Seas" and custodian of Davy Jones's Locker, a euphemism for "the Sea Fund", the place where the drowned dead rest. Jones was also a captain of the Ghost Ship Flying Dutchman .


His appearance is from a man half octopus, the tentacles of his face resemble his hair and beard and his left arm is a great and powerful crab piercing. The fingers of his other hand are also tentacles, being the Longest Index. His right leg is like a crustaceous leg.

Powers and abilities[]

Among Jones abilities are strength above average human, the power to travel between the world of living and the one of the dead, which allows him to teleport and cross solid objects, it also seems to have a kind of clairvoyance in addition of being one of the best swords and sailors of the saga. Apart from that, on the roof of the wandering Dutch, there is the hammer, a kind of giant screw that when spinning rises and being released to produce a metallic sound which summons the Kraken, a sea monster under the orders of Davy Jones. The boat itself, has two own abilities: any oath made in it forces it to fulfill it, unavoidably and is submarine. The wandering Dutch can only be attacked by someone who knows about the existence of this one, but even so, the Dutch can attack any ship.


Davy Jones is the first captain of the Flying Dutchman, preceding William Turner. He was a sailor capable and kind, whose greater passion was the sea itself. So fervent was his passion for this, who came to love her literally about her. Calypso, goddess of the oceans, and the person's own personification, came to correspond. As a form of interaction with humans, it was usual that the deities adopt human form to satisfy their own instincts, generally similar to those of mortals. Thus, in the form of Aunt Dalma, he met Davy Jones to the point of falling in love with him. For years they were happy together, but Calypso, incarnation of the sea itself, faced two conflicts: the first, that continuing living as a mortal together with his beloved would abandon him to abandon his work at sea. And the second, is that as she herself confesses to the Manners from The Black Pearl, the beloved of Davy Jones was a woman so changing, hard and indomit as the sea. This brings as a consequence that Calypso can not maintain a loving relationship or stable life for a long time, in the same way that it would not be possible to put dikes to the sea. To solve both conflicts, Calypso proposed to his beloved to help her in her homework. Davy Jones captain a ship, and both he and his ship would be blessed with the powers of the goddess. The captain should use his ship and his powers to give them protection to the souls of those men and women who died in the oceans, leading them to the beyond. Any of the souls that rescued could extend its eternal rest for one hundred years by an oath to the Dutch captain, and thus help him in his noble task. In return, I could only step on land once every ten years, a high price for someone in love. Calypso thus managed to help in his duties for the sea and at the same time, be able to go free for ten years, until his beloved disembarked. After his first decade of noble and vocational, he delivered to Calypso, finally Davy Jones disembarked. But unlike what I expected to find, his beloved was not waiting for him. Apparently, its indomitable nature prevented it from meeting with the disappointment captain.

The pain you felt then was too much as for support. He torn off his heart from his chest with his own hands, but the gifts of the goddess included immortality, in such a way that the organ continued to be pouring away from his body. Far from scareing pain, what got this act becoming a ruthless, cruel and spiteful being. He kept his heart and all the memories he kept from Aunt Dalma (except the musical necklace) in a chest and buried him in crosses, a small islet lost in the sea, where he should stay hidden. He kept the key of the chest tied by a rope to his neck, hides under his facial appendices. From this moment, he resigned his task of guidance from the fallen at sea. By neglecting his obligations, Calypso had no choice but to punish him, deforming his body, his crew and his boat, making them all in feathd man, half marine creature. This demonic appearance should be a reminder of the task that was ignoring to fulfill.


Davy Jones is the captain of the Flying Dutchman. At a point before the films, when he was still a kind sailor, lover of navigation and in love with the sea, the goddess Calypso, be the supreme of the oceans and goddess of the seas, entrusted him the transcendental commitment of Rescue the souls of the people who died in the sea and move them to the beyond. In this way, I would rid them from the cold agony of eternity lost at the bottom of the sea. For ten years he fulfilled this task, but when he finally he could disembark, he discovered that his beloved was not waiting for him. In the words of the goddess itself, he could not be tied or committed since changing is "His nature". Before such betrayal, he decided to tear off his heart from his chest with his own hands, in order to avoid disappointment pain. However, Calypso had given him the gift of immortality, so as a consequence his heart continued to be beating away from his body, which made him a ruthless, cruel and quarrelsome being. After this self-mutilation resigned to his guide work. As a punishment, the goddess deformed his body and the whole crew, as well as the external appearance of his ship, mutating all of half a man, half marine creature. A reminder of the task that was ignoring. In spite of everything, Davy Jones kept control of the doors on the other side, a skill he gave a bad use, since he began to torment the souls that he should have been protected, forcing them to choose between being part of his crew, or wandering eternally by the Abyss, negating their eternal rest.Among the Jones skills are your strength about human, the power to travel between the world of living and the one of the dead, which allows you to teleport and cross solid objects, it also seems to have a kind of clairvoyance In addition to being one of the best swords and sailors of the saga. Apart from that, on the roof of the wandering Dutch, there is the hammer, a kind of giant screw that when spinning rises and being released to produce a metallic sound which can call the Kraken, marine demon under the orders of Davy Jones. The boat itself, has two own skills: any oath made in it forces it to fulfill it, unavoidably and is submarine. The Flying Dutchman can only be attacked by someone who knows about the existence of this one, but even so, the Dutch can attack any ship.
