The Cyberdemon is an iconic monster from the DOOM video game series. This hulking demon acts as a boss in the games it appears in, armed with a missile launcher and ready to utterly destroy the player.
Classic Series[]
In the classic DOOM series, the Cyberdemon appears as a towering behemoth of a demon resembling a minotaur. It has a muscular humanoid frame with a head like that of a bull sporting two black, metallic horns. The skin on its midsection has been ripped away, revealing red sinew and wiring. Its left leg is natural and ends in a hoof while its right leg is mechanical. Its right arm ends in a human-like hand while its left arm has been fitted with a missile launcher.
The Cyberdemon will attack by walking towards the player while firing rockets. The only strategy for dealing with this beast is to keep running around it while maintaining distance and shooting it with whatever ammunition is available. The Plasma Gun and Rocket Launcher are the most effective weapons against this demon, but the Cyberdemon has 4000 HP, so it will take a considerable amount of time and ammo to kill it. Also, the Cyberdemon does not suffer splash damage from rockets and cannot be take damage from its own rockets, so trying to trick it into firing while it is against a wall is useless. Trying to fight it up close is suicidal as it can instantly kill the player with a single stomp regardless of any extra health or armour they have.
DOOM 3[]

The Cyberdemon appears as the final boss of DOOM 3. It stands at 20 feet tall and maintains a minotaur-like appearance, but appears to have more cybernetic components than in the classic series. Its head, back and midsection are all covered in metallic armour and it has a number of visible implants on its left arm. Its right arm is equipped with a cylindrical cannon that fires volleys of rockets. Both of the creature's legs are mechanical and it also sports a tail extending from the machinery on its back.
Unlike its classic counterpart, this version of the Cyberdemon cannot be killed by conventional firepower. The only weapon that can damage it is the Soul Cube and it takes four shots to bring this monster down. Many lesser demons appear during the course of the boss battle, giving the player ample opportunity to charge the Soul Cube and slay the Cyberdemon. While fighting the Cyberdemon, it is important to always stay on the move to avoid its projectiles which are both fast and deal heavy damage.
DOOM (2016)[]

The 2016 version of the Cyberdemon looks significantly different from its previous incarnations. Rather than resembling a minotaur, it looks more like a classic representation of a demon/devil. Its head sports a pair of sickle-shaped horns (although one of the horns appears to have been broken), four beady eyes and a fang-filled mouth with upward-jutting mandibles on its lower jaw. Its huge, muscular body appears to be covered in natural armour plating and its sports a bladed gauntlet on its right arm made from this armour. It has fewer visible cybernetics than previous versions; some mechanical components are visible on its right leg and its left arm has been replaced by a UAC-manufactured prosthetic ending with a missile launcher. Finally, it has an Argent Energy Accumulator implanted in its chest. This device allows the monster to replenish its energy when it has exhausted itself in battle.
According to UAC files, the Cyberdemon was once a resident of Hell known as a Baalgar. During a Lazarus Project expedition, UAC recovered the remains of a deceased Baalgar and brought them to Mars, initially intent on displaying them as an exhibit. However, focus soon shifted towards military applications and the UAC attempted to reanimate the creature by exposing it to plasmatic Argent energy. The controlled influx of Argent plasma regenerated the creature steadily while keeping it in a "brain-dead" state, giving the UAC personnel time to modify it with cybernetic components.
The Cyberdemon makes a loud demonic roar towards the player when alerted. It has a special Rocket Launcher which can launch many smaller missiles at the player and has the capability to charge up and shoot a massive and powerful laser. It also has an aerial bombardment weapon on its back which can be used to bomb the entire arena. It will also charge in a defensive or offensive action, either moving away from fire or dashing towards the player. When in Hell, it has the ability to throw walls of fire towards the player and raise a straight corridor from it to the player, where it will proceed to either use the aforementioned flame attack or shoot missiles at the player.
The Cyberdemon has an extraordinary amount of health and can be difficult to kill. Its weak point is the Argent Accumulator on its chest, which allows the creature to restore its health. After the implant is destroyed, the battle will move to Hell. The player must then overwhelm the Cyberdemon with maximum firepower until it becomes stunned, at which point the player can finish off the monster with a Glory Kill, breaking off its horn and using it to decapitate the beast.
DOOM Eternal[]

In DOOM Eternal, the Cyberdemon has been renamed "Tyrant". Its design is based directly on its original design from the first DOOM game, portraying this foe as a towering minotaur with cybernetic components. Its left arm ends in a multi-barrel missile launcher and it has a robotic right leg. Numerous orange tubes can be seen in the midsection which connect the mechanical and organic systems together.
Hailing from the pits of Babel, the Tyrants act as the generals of Hell's armies and wardens of the infernal pits. During the Hell Invasion, they are charged with seeking out sinners from the mortal realm and dragging them into the inferno to endure their sentences of everlasting suffering.
Tyrants are extremely powerful, but not very fast. As a Super Heavy enemy, they have massive health pools and deal tremendous damage. They attack by launching volleys of rockets as well as lasers. Occassionally, they will point their launchers upward and release a salvo of missiles that will rain down across the arena. The points where they land are marked, alerting the player and giving them the chance to avoid the blasts.
Killing a Tyrant is no easy task as they have 10,000 HP and powerful attacks. The Rocket Launcher and BFG are the most effective weapons, but it still requires many shots to finally put one of these creatures down.