Wild beasts of nature.
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- Abada
- Abaia
- Abel Cuvier
- Acklay
- Adar Llwch Gwin
- Adjule (Resident Evil)
- Aerodactyl
- Afanc
- Agropelter
- Ahool
- Ahuizotl
- Ahuizotl (My Little Pony)
- Ak'chazar
- Akaei
- Akata
- Akkorokamui
- Akuchu
- Alaskan Bull Worm
- Albinoid
- Alebrije
- Alicorn
- Alpha Blogg
- Alpha Hopper
- Alpha Splinter
- Ambull
- Ammit
- AncientMegatheriummon
- AncientSphinxmon
- Angel of Death (A Quiet Place)
- Anguirus
- Animatronics (Five Nights at Freddy's)
- Ankheg
- Antlion
- Antlion Grub
- Antlion Guard
- Antlion Guardian
- Antlion Soldier
- Antlion Worker
- Anubis
- Aoyin
- Arbok
- Arcanine
- Arkan Sonney
- Armadillomon
- Arrowtongue
- Ash Clam
- Axehandle Hound
- Bakekujira
- Bakumon
- Barbas
- Barnacle
- Barroth
- Bashe
- Basilisk
- Bat Devil
- Battle Cat
- Bauk
- Beast (SSSS)
- Beast of Gévaudan
- Beastman (BNA)
- Beelzebub (Helluva Boss)
- Betamon
- Bi Fang
- Billdad
- Biolizard
- Black Dog
- Black Tiger
- Black Widow
- Bladderhorn
- Blastoise
- Blogg
- Bloggling
- Blood Crawler
- Bloodmount
- Bloop
- Blot Toad
- Bonnacon
- Bonnie the Rabbit
- Botwoon
- Brundlefly
- Brunnmigi
- Bugbear (My Little Pony)
- Bul-Gae
- Bullbo
- Bullsquid
- Bunnyman
- Bunyip
- Burrunjor
- Cadejo
- Cadobbit
- Canine Remains
- Cartoon Cat
- Caterpillar (Cthulhu Mythos)
- Catoblepas
- Ccoa
- Centaur (Fallout)
- Central American Whintosser
- Centurion
- Cerberus
- Cerberus (My Little Pony)
- Cerberus (RE films)
- Cetus
- Chain Chomp
- Chaos Warhound
- Charmander
- Charmeleon
- Charybdis
- Chaugnar Faugn
- Cheval Mallet
- Chica the Chicken
- Chiko
- Chimaera
- Chocobo
- Chomusuke
- Chrysalide
- Chupacabra
- Chuumon
- Cinderace
- Cirein-cròin
- Cliff Racer
- Cloyster
- Colmillos
- Conqueror Worm
- Corocotta
- Corpser
- Cragadile
- Crawler (The Descent)
- Crawler (Warhammer 40,000)
- Creeping Terror
- Cryptid
- Cubone
- Cutant
- Daidako
- Dark Alpha Splinter
- Dark Blogg
- Dark Splinter
- Death Jackal
- Demogorgon (Stranger Things)
- Demon (The Garden of Earthly Delights)
- Devil Whale
- Devilfish
- Dewgong
- Digger
- Diglett
- Dire Wolf
- Dodongo
- Dodrio
- Doduo
- Donatello
- Donestre
- Dorimon
- Dover Demon
- Dragon (Saint George and the Dragon)
- Dragon (Warhammer Fantasy)
- Drop Bear
- Dry Bones
- Dugtrio
- Dungavenhooter
- Dwayyo