Monster Wiki

Baccoo are demonic-familiars found in the folklore of the Caribbean, where they serve the role of servants to those that call on their power. Like many such creatures across multiple cultures, Baccoo are a strange mix of living creature and construct, since in many tales familiars are both independent creatures and creations of human sorcerers: Baccoo are not very well known, even within their native folklore, a great many arguments can be found, with differing accounts as to their behaviors or origins. Most do agree, however, upon the creatures being an unwelcome presence.


A Baccoo is a demonic creature from Caribbean folklore that is believed to take many forms, often a short, ugly humanoid with notable deformities as well as unusual traits such as bodies that have a merging of flesh and wood.

Baccoo live off a diet of milk and bananas, often they work as mercenaries for evil-minded humans, who provide them with regular feedings in exchange for the demons performing tasks, often invisible, such as starting fires, throwing stones at enemies or passing secret messages along.
