Alto Angelo

Bianco Angelo
Angelos are artificial demons created by the Order of the Sword, which serve as common enemies in Devil May Cry 4. Angelos come in two variants - the Alto Angelo and the Bianco Angelo. Whilst both are similar in appearance, aside from colouring and weaponry, the two couldn't be any more different. Bianco Angelos are false demons, created by Agnus from fragments of Nelo Angelo and brought to life through the captured souls of humans and demons. Alto Angelos, meanwhile, are knights of the Order that have become demons through the Ascension Ceremony.
Bianco Angelo[]
Bianco Angelos are suits of silver armour, which bear the crest of the Order of the Sword, and a horned helmet. They carry a lance with a throttle system similar to that used by Nero's sword, the Red Queen, and a shield which can transform into wings, allowing them to fly.
Alto Angelo[]
The Alto Angelo has donned white-gold armour, similar to that worn by the Bianco Angelo in order to lead them in battle. It also wields a much larger order sword, with which it fights more aggressively than than it's comrades. Altos are commonly seen with a group of Biancos, which serve as bodyguards, and which gain new abilities from its leadership.
Bianco Angelos have a number of abilities. However, without the leadership of an Alto, they only have access to flight and their lance's power boost through the inbuilt throttle system. With the Alto's command, the Bianco's strength increases and they can also form a sphere of energy. It is assumed that Altos possess all the same abilities, plus a select number of others. However, any other abilities are only seen in use by the Angelo bosses - Angelo Agnus, Angelo Credo and Sanctus Diabolica
Notable Angelos[]
- Agnus
- Credo
- Sanctus