The Air Pirate is an Emblem Heartless that appears in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. They appear in Neverland alongside the standard Pirate Heartless aboard Captain Hook's ship, though these foes are also capable of flight.
Air Pirates resemble the classic pirate stereotype, wearing shabby clothing including a bandanna, a sash and baggy pants. They have large, bulbous forearms and carry a pair of curved wings on their backs that allow them to fly.
In combat, Air Pirates are constantly airborne and will glide over the battlefield and try to encircle Sora and co. until they get behind them, at which point they will strike. They attack by swinging their fists and punching their enemies. By the time Sora and his friends encounter Air Pirates, they too gain the ability to fly thanks to Tinker Bell's pixie dust. This allows them to engage the Heartless in the air which often leads to the player and enemy circling in midair in an attempt to flank the other.