The Advisor was a villain from Marvel Comics who appeared as an antagonist towards War Machine and Cable. He was envisioned as a sadistic terrorist and some sort of supernatural entity that fed upon negativity and war.
First Appearance and Imaya Conflict[]
The exact origins of the malevolent entity known as the Advisor is unknown, but he would first appear as a chancellor to President Letumba, who ruled over an African nation known as Imaya. He betrayed Letumba and instead helped Eda Arul become his successor, knowing full well Eda Arul would do nothing but cause strife in the region.
The Advisor would manipulate the now-President Eda Arul into further acts of terorrism, such as capturing the human rights activist Vincent Cetewayo. This would lead to a conflict with War Machine, who flew to Imaya to rescue him (despite objections by SHIELD). In order to try and stop an international incident, Cable flew to the region to try and stop War Machine while Deathlok also flew to the area, eager to help free Cetewayo.
The Advisor continued to manipulate events and ordered special ground forces to be sent in to deal with the heroes. This angered Arul as he felt the Advisor was taking too much control. Ever the cunning schemer, the Advisor apologized to Arul, only for the dictator to give the same order.
During Arul's torture of Cetewayo, the Advisor mocked the actvist for asking why "in God's name" he helped the dictator stay in power, going into details about how he had been involved in many conflicts across the world.
As War Machine and Deathlok closed on the capitol building, the Advisor recommended Imaya move to a more secure location and met with the two invaders, showing them that Cetewayo was missing (having been taken away by Cable), and then allowing SHIELD troops to confront them for violating international law.
The Advisor sent a message notifying War Machine and Deathlok of Cetewayo's location and they worked together to rout Arul's troops that sought to annihilate the rebels shielding Cetewayo.
Pleased with the chaos this caused, the Advisor then appeared before Cetewayo and held him at gunpoint. The Advisor revealed that while the collapse of Arul's regime had been imminent but that a violent transition of power suited his needs better.
SHIELD would ultimately stand down and allow War Machine to lead the forces of Cimbuka to oust Arul from office, resulting in War Machine shooting Arul dead in the resulting conflict.
The Advisor explained to Cetewayo that the message of peace he spread was poison and that he sought a world of endless conflict. He then killed Cetewayo in cold blood.
When War Machine arrived and found the Advisor standing over Cetewayo's body, he opened fire on the monster, yet his bullets had no effect whatsoever as the Advisor stood unharmed and gloated that Cetewayo had challenged the natural order and lost, then faded away, denouncing War Machine as unworthy of any further explanation.
Second Appearance[]
The Advisor would resurface some time later in the Central American nation of San Revilla, where he summoned the freelance mercenaries Hazzerd and Troubleshooter to deal with a rebel parahuman unit known as the Shadow. He further made arrangements for a US government ally to send US Agent to aid Hazzerd and Troubleshooter.
War Machine (who had come to San Revilla to take down the Shadows after they had caused the death of one of his ally's sister-in-law) learned that Hawkeye had been working with the Shadows and receiving bad information that had been leading to increased casualties.
War Machine broke into the capitol building and encountered the Advisor, who admitted to fanning the flames of violence and ensuring maximum carnage. He revealed his goal to be the complete "self-immolation of a country" naming the taste of apocalypse as his "meat and drink", intending to "perfect the recipe" in San Revilla and then to use it anywhere in the world he wished.
War Machine's repulsor blasts passed harmlessly through him, and the Advisor once again vanished, mocking War Machine that force alone could never stop him.
War Machine flew out to convince Hawkeye of his mistakes but as he began to do so, Hazzerd, Troubleshooter, and the US Agent arrived and attacked them both.
After much fighting, War Machine convinced Hawkeye and US Agent to help him take out Hazzerd, Striker, Sundance, and Troubleshooter, bringing an end to the incessant conflict.
Enraged, the Advisor appeared before the heroes as a monstrous image, cursing them for their interference and warning them to "sleep with one eye open" because he would be "waiting for them in the darkness". As the Advisor reverted to his standard form, War Machine told him that he only had power while there were fools to do his bidding...and "mankind was wising up fast".
The Advisor has not been seen since.

Advisor is a powerful supernatural entity that has a wide array of powers, likely many more than he displayed. Some of his more notable powers include:
- Invulnerability - The Advisor has proven himself invulnerable to nearly any physical attack, having never truly shown any damage from direct assaults.
- Negativity Vampirism - The Advisor claimed his strength increased with every "futile death, with each torched forest, and with every man that fell to corruption". In essence, he was a powerful demonic presence and theoretically could obtain any power he desired if he had sufficient conflict to fuel himself.
- Intangibility - The Advisor could turn intangible at will.
- Astral Projection - The Advisor could astral-project, most famously when he was enraged and tried to intimidate War Machine with a gigantic astral avatar.)
- Master Manipulator - The Advisor is a genius many times over and a supreme manipulator, capable of plunging entire nations into senseless war and bringing out the worst in individuals.
- Immortality - It is perfectly possible that the Advisor is an immortal entity, considering his grand speech, his seeming immunity to mortal weaponry and his obsessions with bringing destruction to the world.
- Authority - The Advisor is an impossibly powerful figure with influence across the globe, able to fund massive terrorist groups and dictatorships as well as call on them at will.